Saturday, December 3, 2011

~ Heechul as a PSP ~ [PART 4]

Siwon tweeted a cute pic with my Space Big Star Heenim. But, He didn't mention when the photo was taken. It's ok 'cause now I can see my Heenim 
photo crdt:Siwon's Twitter

Here is Heenim's pic more closer ^_^

Heenim's fashion is always amazing, right?
I think Heenim look best with any outfit, even when he apply make-up or not Heechul is the best. Who agree with me? If you agree with me thank you so much
Please keep supporting our Space Big Star Kim Heechul, ok? Thank you all the ELF's and Undead PETALS!

I love this pic. Heenim look so cute here ♥♥♥